Safety Solutions provides a process safety auditing service aimed at bench-marking a process operator across the elements of process safety.
Process safety is a framework of engineering and management systems used to manage the integrity of hazardous processes. Holes in these systems can expose a facility to unnecessary risk. A process safety audit uses a team of subject matter experts to reveal gaps, benchmark the performance of these systems against best practice and make recommendations to close them.
The elements that can be bench-marked include:
- Leadership
- Management of change
- Hazard identification
- Risk assessment
- Functional safety
- Alarm management
- Pressure vessel certifications
- Tank certifications
- Hazardous areas and electrical certifications
- Aging Plant / Asset Integrity
- Operating procedures
- Worker engagement
- Contractor management
- Safe work systems
- Drawing and document management
- Safety Critical Element management and verification
- Human factors in operations
- Incident reporting and follow-up
- Inherent safety
- Emergency preparedness
- Performance monitoring, review and auditing
- Process safety management system
The process safety audit involves a number of interviews with relevant staff and site visits. We use check lists developed for each element to guide the audit and evidence collection. These are issued to the client before the start of the review.
Deliverable: An audit report containing:
- A report card ranking each element against good practice
- A process safety maturity ranking
- Gaps & recommendations
- Prioritisation of the recommendations in terms of importance on process safety
- A management presentation highlighting findings
Other useful links
- Safety Management System development read more
- Process Safety E-Learning read more
- Process Safety Learning Management System read more
- Safety Solutions Australia